Week 14
Reflection on Open Source Software Development course
One of the reasons that I had listed as to why I took this course was because I was unsure of how to begin contributing and became overwhelmed when attempting to do so. My first blog post allowed me to see just how much I learned during this course. Through the different assignements and presentations, I have learned where and how to look for different projects to contribute to, as well as how to evaluate them. Having experience actually going through the process of searching for a project and contributing to it, has allowed me to no longer feel overwhelmed because I know where to find the information that I need. Prior to this course I did not know how many different ways there were to contribute, and I am glad that I am aware of this now and that I can find different ways to make a difference. For example, I made a lot of contributions having to do with spelling or grammar mistakes on Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap, and GitHub. While these are very small contributions, they allow for a project to appear more professional and overall creates a sense of trust from the user.