Week 1

Summary of Week 1
In the class, we discussed what open source software is and we created our account names for GitHub, Wikipedia, and OpenStreetMap.

Why did you decide to take a course in open source software?
I decided to take a course in open source software because I have wanted to contribute to open source projects but have not been sure of how to get started. I have looked on Github for projects to contribute to, but ended up overwhelmed and in need of some guidance. I wanted to learn how to contribute to open source projects through coding but also in other ways, and I thought this course would help me in achieving this.

I created my GitHub account a while ago but have not been frequently updating it with the work I have been doing, and so my GitHub account is inactive. After asking around for information about the course, I discovered that the course requires you to do projects and contributions on GitHub which is a big motivation in getting my account to being active. Thus, I thought taking this course would be beneficial in teaching me about open source software, while also allowing me to showcase this learning.

Written before or on September 4, 2019